On a Western Mission Of Sorts

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My recent trip to Austin for SXSW influenced me to make an unconventional purchase— those pointy little bastards you see there. They’re awesome pumps, but they scream “yee-haw.” Lucky for me, I was in a “western” mood today, so I just went all out. Native American ring– check. Navajo jacket– check. Boyfriend jeans– check. Actually the boyfriend jeans aren’t really relevant, they’re just ALWAYS a good idea.

Clearly I’m having a moment. The mister has had to put his foot down on numerous occasions when I’ve mentioned navajo prints in our new apartment. I want a navajo carpet, navajo pillows, navajo bedding, a navajo toothbrush. I mean, the list goes on and on. He’s more of an industrial guy, loves metals and dark woods. Needless to say, my ideas were not going to fly with him.

Therefore I just felt the need to share some fun western & navajo inspired stuff that I am dying to get my hands on. You know, since you can’t tell me not to buy it or anything. //

This leather clutch made in Nashville. (from Of a Kind)

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This fun camera strap from Etsy.


This sick piece of art.


These rad socks.


And this Alexander Wang jacket that I’ve been drooling over and can’t find anywhere. HELP. (Found on Vaunte)

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And me being me…

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Peace out, homies.

xx Cyn